Mahon - Mao Cami de Cavalls Attraits Carte et guide touristique @ - 2024
A rough track path that circumnavigates the entire island

À des fins de comparaison, nous montrons aussi souvent que possible des photos de plage de la haute saison estivale et de la basse saison.

La description

Travelling the Cami de Cavalls you will experience a wonderfull cross-section of the diversity of Menorca's landscape. You will walk,ride or cycle along impressive clifftop paths looking out over turquoise waters and amazing virgin beaches and coves.

Rugged openscapes in the North, more sheltered greener paths in the south. The path leads through meadows and forests where pine trees, holm oaks and pines provide shade in the hotter summer months.

IMPORTANT Only accommodation en route is the beach resorts it passes through.

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Minorque , Espagne

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